This is a transcript of an interview with Dolores Cannon in the December 2014 issue of Star People (Natural Spirit). Kyoko Higashikawa, the last Japanese to be taught directly by Dolores,Please read the valuable message that was interviewed one month before his death.
We have revised some of the information on books that have been published since then.
To keep up with the Earth's ascension,
Let go of negative karma and fear
Dolores Cannon, the founder of Dolores Cannon Regressive Hypnotherapy (QHHT) and a leading expert in ET and UFO research, passed away in October 2014. Through a career spanning about half a century, his achievements in accessing the subconscious minds of tens of thousands of clients and healing their minds and bodies are beyond description. This interview, held in Springdale, Arkansas, USA in September of this year, was the last. She talks about how she started her healing work, the latest information on the universe, and even ascension.
Interview and text by Kyoko Higashikawa

Dolores Cannon Dolores Cannon 1931-2014
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Regressive Hypnotherapist. Writer. Founder of Dolores Regressive Hypnotherapy (QHHT). Through his clients' past life experiences and channeling, he draws out the truth about the universe and the earth, authored 18 books, and carried out enlightenment activities around the world. Also known as a UFO and ET researcher.
He is the author of many books, including Guardians of this Planet, Guardians of Mankind, and Nostradamus' Great Prophecies.
Dolores Cannon left for the other world on October 18th. We wish you all the best in your new endeavors.
Past lives appear in hypnotherapy
It is often said that the driving force behind your wide-ranging research is curiosity. What kind of childhood did you have?
Dolores I was born in 1931, when America was in the midst of the Great Depression. Then there was World War II, I lived a normal life and got married in 1951. My curiosity began in the 1960s when I started working in hypnotherapy with my husband, who was in the Navy.
How did you become a regressive hypnosis therapist?
Dolores At the time we started hypnotherapy, it was aimed at improving habits such as smoking and overeating. One day in 1968, a doctor introduced a woman to us. She came to relieve obesity and anxiety, and in a trance, she told the past life of a woman who lived in Chicago, where the Mafia was rampant in the 1920s. At that time, reincarnation and past lives were unheard of. It was a time when there was no such thing as spiritual values, so it was hard for me to be affected by the people around me. Still, the past-life tales told in the session were like time travel, and we were instantly hooked. After that, I took a break to raise my children and take care of my husband, but from the end of the 1970s I resumed my work , specializing in regressive hypnosis.
Do you know about your own past life?
DoloresYes. I know about 8 of them, including past lives in the library of Egypt and Alexandria. From there, I was able to clarify why I am doing my current job and my relationship with my family. However, the most important thing is to live the present life to the fullest, so there is no need to search for past lives any further.
Earthlings were created by ETs
Many books have been written about space and ET, but from the beginning there was something like a mission or something that led me to .
Dolores the only thing I have is a mission to heal those who come to me. I have worked with tens of thousands of clients over the years, and you never know what will come out of any session until it actually begins. During regression hypnosis, unfamiliar stories come out, and later, the same stories from different clients, but from different places and perspectives. As a result of repeating it countless times, a lot of information was collected. I pieced them together, solved a puzzle, uncovered the truth of the universe and what is actually happening, and conveyed it to people.
Please tell us about the relationship between ETs and Earthlings.
Dolores Earthlings were created by ETs. There are countless other universes besides ours, each inhabited by different tangible and intangible intelligent life forms. ETs are able to move freely through the multiverse by force of will, constantly moving between universes in search of life. In this way, samples of the cells that make up humans were collected from various parts of the universe, mankind was created through DNA manipulation, and they were "implanted" on a new planet called Earth. The human race that began in this way was given "free will", and the beings of the universe have watched from afar without intervening in the evolution of humankind's free will. The details are written in the book "Protectors of this planet".
So the relationship with ETs has been going on since recorded history.
Dolores That's right. However, human civilization is not the only one as we know it today. Before our known history, there were civilizations that were destroyed and then rebuilt from scratch. Atlantis was the last civilization to perish as a result of the wrong use of will. And as a result of our evolution over a long period of time, we faced the same danger of extinction as Atlantis. Since then, ETs have been born on Earth who do not have past lives as Earthlings, which means they are free from heavy karma.
Since when?
Dolores Since 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. Mankind began to use atomic energy and put it to the worst possible use: bombs. This was a major event that had a negative impact on the entire universe. However, since ETs cannot intervene in the free will of mankind, they sent ET souls with high vibrations to Earth in order to save the planet from destruction. These first incarnated New Earthlings are present in all regions and strata of the world. They say that does not know their mission at the level of awakening consciousness, but when they access the subconscious, they say, ``I was called and came down to save the earth from danger.'' speak.
Release Negative Karma and Ascend
Could the Earth have been rerouted in a non-destructive direction?
Dolores The earth has been gradually raising its vibration since around 2003, and the ascension of the life form called earth is progressing slowly. For the earth, humans are like fleas on dogs. Whether we follow or not, the Earth is being ascended and transformed into a paradise free from suffering and sorrow. This is a major event that has never been experienced even in the vast universe, so the entire universe is paying attention to the future trends of the earth.
What will happen to us living on the earth in the future?
Dolores It is polarized into those who migrate to the new world with the earth and those who remain in the old earth. The former changes in accordance with the rise in the frequency of the earth, so there are many people who feel unwell. Feelings of hopelessness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, joint pain, muscle pain, ringing in the ears are some of the symptoms that are temporary. Children are already born with new frequency bodies and new DNA, so there is no adjustment problem. The latter are stuck in the grip of negative thoughts and heavy karma. These people will remain on the old earth and will reincarnate in another place after death.
How can you ride the wave of ascension with Earth?
Dolores First, let go of negative karma. Karma is what binds the soul to the old earth. To get rid of karma, all you have to do is forgive. Second, let go of fear. Fear is an illusion, only love is real. There is no longer any reason to fear, as you are assisted by ETs and headed towards a planet filled with positive energies. I have interacted with many ETs, and the ETs who have watched over the Earth have all been positive and well-intentioned.
The book "Protector of Mankind" (Natural Spirit), which can be said to be the culmination of your ET research, will be published in Japan next year.
Dolores Guardians of Mankind is the culmination of my 25 years of UFO and ET research. The majority of people on Earth know very little about space and ET. Therefore, aliens are regarded as scary beings. Earthlings are not orphans of space, they have always been protected and loved by them. My mission is to rid people of fear. Through this book, I hope that people in Japan will have a better understanding of ET.
Concentration of consciousness becomes reality
Finally, please give a message to Japanese readers.
Dolores I went to Tokyo in December 2013. Japan is a beautiful country and I was very impressed by the people. However, knowing in real time the devastation of Tokyo, which had been reduced to ashes by World War II, and feeling that people had not yet recovered from the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, I felt a dark energy of anxiety. . It is well understood that there are factors for concern, such as the presence of multiple nuclear power plants in an earthquake-prone country. However, there is a risk of some kind of disaster anywhere in the world. Arkansas, where I live, is a tornado-prone area, and damage is common. Human consciousness is a powerful thing, and when we fear disaster, it becomes a force that attracts disaster. Whatever you focus your attention on, it becomes a reality. One thing I want you to know is that people are always where they should be, when they should be. Living in Japan means that it is the best for you and you need to experience it no matter what happens. If so, it's important to spend the best time you can there, and not focus on fear. I want you to just focus on what's in front of you and live positively.